
Greetings and welcome to SARs, Shojoworld's Anime Reviews. I'm a big fan of acronyms, and this one is really fun because if you google it there was an illness called "Severe Acute Respirtatory Syndrome." The singular version has some fun ones two, like "Specific Absobtion Rate" are just a few things that come up. I won't ruin them all for you.

Anyway, my name's Meroko and I run a site dedicated to shojo. This little blog is where I like to rant about whatever I'm watching, wheter this actually helps you pick something to watch?

That'd be a nice bonus.

Feedback? Comment or email I'll reply, because I don't have a life.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

White Album Episodes 6 and 7.

Yuki is no longer in the dark and bumbling around like a niave idiot. She actually used the word "suspicious" I've been dreaming of for who knows how long. And who brought me out of my perpetual misery? You guessed it- Rina. She admits, with neither chagrin nor pride, that her and Touya kissed. The way this conversation went was very confusing, Rina was so calm and I felt she was trying to make it come off as a challenege but just couldn't do it. After she leaves we see her holding back tears.

Who could though, when Yuki goes of the wall crazy and starts BITING HER WRISTS until they bleed? I feel like White Album has some kind of "intensity" quota they try to reach each week. This was I didn't even know you could do that. But despite this show of blatant emotion Yuki refuses to hit Rina when it's offered saying "you're someone I love too." And even after she calms down does not really acceapt Rina's challenge. She claims she will "wait until she dies" or something like that, reiterating what she said to Touya's father the other day. That's dedication.

Here's a tame screencap of Yuki's freak-out. I don't do well with blood.
Speaking of off the-wall-crazy, we finally see the ending of the stupid painting plot in that we learn Ogata is INSANE. He has a room full of paintings, which he thinks are all the same, but are actually all different. When Yuki points out this fairly obvious fact he loses it, laughing and crying and generally looking pyscho. Yuki leaves and Ogata begins ranting about some stuff and tells Yayoi to take off her clothes. She of course has no problem with this because she's Yayoi, and begins to do it before Ogata tells her to stop because he was kidding. This whole thing was generally weird and kind of disturbing so I'm not going to talk about it anymore.
I decided to spare you and pick a picture of the painting room and not Ogata being insane.
Touya continues to suck and goes on a date with some girl who apparently had been one of his "saviour goddesses" in the past. I forgot about that plot point, I think I had kind of forgot Touya used to actually care about Yuki. In case you've forgetten as well, I think these were people who helped him and Yuki meet up, although usually unintenionally. Akira sees Touya on this date and goes to tell him off, but is stopped by Misaki. Why she stops him I don't know, but props to Akira. I really hope that's actually his name since I respect him now. Touya, whos officially the biggest tool in the whole world, DITCHES her to get in a car with Yayoi. I'm not sure if I've hated him since the beggining, but now there is nothing that I could see reedeming him in my eyes.

I actually googled insulting names to look for something to call him, but I want to keep this blog appropriate so I'll hold back for now. If I can find some funny ones that fit my quota, I'll post them. Feel free to email some in.
You poor, poor girl. And I'm not talking about the fact that he ditched you, I'm talking about the fact that you were for some reason attracted to him in the first place.
Now I'm going to cram in everything else. We see Haruka for two seconds, and I don't think we see Mana at all. There's something about some post Sakrua-Den memebers, but I didn't care. We see some flashbacks of Rina when she first got into the buisness, it took me awhile to reliaze that's what it was because flashbacks on the show don't have any sort of transtition or different coloring. I'm starting to see the lack of budgeting this show truly has, the art has potential but it's like they decided to stop trying. Finally, some girl who was laughing in an Ogata-ish kind of way invites herself to Touya's pad and then gets dragged off by some other guy. Fun.

These episodes were on the weird side, but I'm going to keep watching because why not? I've made it this far haven't I? I read somewhere the ending is horrible, so that should be fun, but we are still 6 episodes away from that.
I'm starting to wonder who on this show isn't crazy. Besides Rina.

So I'm starting to worry the size of the screencaps are too large and make the posts look too long. Feedback? This post is actually pretty short if you look at just the text. I'm trying to focus on just getting more content and getting on some sort of scedule so people might start to actually follow this blog.

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