
Greetings and welcome to SARs, Shojoworld's Anime Reviews. I'm a big fan of acronyms, and this one is really fun because if you google it there was an illness called "Severe Acute Respirtatory Syndrome." The singular version has some fun ones two, like "Specific Absobtion Rate" are just a few things that come up. I won't ruin them all for you.

Anyway, my name's Meroko and I run a site dedicated to shojo. This little blog is where I like to rant about whatever I'm watching, wheter this actually helps you pick something to watch?

That'd be a nice bonus.

Feedback? Comment or email I'll reply, because I don't have a life.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

White Album Season 2, Episodes 8 and 9

Highschool Yuki and Misaki. Just for fun.
Aren't you all amazed at how much I've been posting lately? I don't think I'm gong to keep doing it every day, because I do actually have some form of a life outside of the internet, but I definately plan on a couple times a week, once a week at minimum.

I had some really good screencaps prepared from episode 8 but somehow lost them all. As you may have noticed, I'm kind of a lazy person and don't feel like going back for them. So you're just going to have to be content with subpar screencaps this review.

So onto the episodes. We open up with the girl that Touya ditched completely ignoring his attempt at an apology. YES! This was just awesome, I literally felt like cheering. An equally great scene was where Mana put on some headphones, and we hear what she is listening to isntead of Touya who is trying to talk to her in the background. Touya being spited like that just brings joy to my heart.

Just when you thought Yayoi couldn't get any more disturbing, she walks in to the boy's bathroom while Touya is innocently standing at the sink, pushes him down onto the toliet, and locks the stall door, all to confirm thier "plans for later." Maybe I should have suprised, but I really really was't. Not much suprises me about this show anymore, I think if Touya started being nice to people I might have a heart attack though.

The focus of these episodes shifts from the lovely Rina, who in fact we barely see at all, and instead moves to some characters we haven't seen in awhile, Haruka, Misaki and Mana. The Haruka and Mana stolyines kind of annoyed me, but I guess I have to talk about them don't I?

Well, Mana, for some reason unknown to me, goes Ogata style insane, flips over a desk, tears some stuff up, then runs away and gets on a taxi. Touya goes after her and finds her hiding out with Haruka at some kind of cabin, and Haruka is playing tennis. Which I remember is supposed to be a big deal because of her brother's death. Mana dissapeas and this is basically the end of her pointless storlyine because next time we see her she is totally happy and chipper and visiting Touya's dad in the hospital? Whateve.r

Haruka and Touya hang out and Haruka makes a move on Touya naked, and although we don't see anything it was rather uncomfortable for not just Touya but the viewers. Despite the fact he intially ignores his advances, he is still the hugest tool in the world and kisses her...well.

I tried to think of how many girls Touya has kissed on the show, and it's sad that I just don't know.

On the Misaki side of things, a journalist got the pictures of Yayoi and Touya from some poor photographer who seemes to be in way over his head. He apparently stabbed Misaki, not sure if we actually saw this or not, it must have been awhile ago if so. He threatens to show the pictures to the world if Misaki doesn't write an article for him. Menou comes and scares him and gives him some better material in the way of some trashy pictures of herself. How she knows Touya I really don't remember.

Menou swooping in to save the day.

The episode ends with Rina being upset with Touya, but neither him nor the views know why.

Well...not much to say about these episodes. It was nice to see some of the characters that were seemingly forgotten, but the Mana strorylne went nowhere, and I just couln't bring myself to care abot the Haruka one. I guess if I had to pick one I would say the Misaki/blackmail.

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