
Greetings and welcome to SARs, Shojoworld's Anime Reviews. I'm a big fan of acronyms, and this one is really fun because if you google it there was an illness called "Severe Acute Respirtatory Syndrome." The singular version has some fun ones two, like "Specific Absobtion Rate" are just a few things that come up. I won't ruin them all for you.

Anyway, my name's Meroko and I run a site dedicated to shojo. This little blog is where I like to rant about whatever I'm watching, wheter this actually helps you pick something to watch?

That'd be a nice bonus.

Feedback? Comment or email I'll reply, because I don't have a life.

Monday, October 18, 2010

White Album Season 2, Episode 10

I come with just one episode today, partly because we're nearing the end it makes it more dramatic, partly because I've been pretty busy lately, but mostly just because I feel like it.

Theme of this episode: Creepy horror movie lines.
Well, maybe that's just my opinon. But still.'

We open with a phone conversation between Yayoi and Yuki. Yayoi informs, in a pretty creepy voice "The Venus festival has been finalized." See? Horror movie in the making. I just reliazed this is the only time we have to see Yayoi the entire episode. That's pretty awesome, since she's the second most annoying character on the show (the first being Touya).

Next, is some conversation between Menou and Rina, but honestly I kind of didn't pay attention during this part, so I can't tell you what happened.

We see Mana-chan taking her exam, and although I'm pretty sure we see her crying at one point during the episode, we learn later she passes, so that's pretty good I guess.

Misaki tells Touya that she wants to break up with Akira. This makes me want to hit her over the head, because Akira has always seemed like a really cool guy, I have no idea why ANYONE would pick Touya over him. And then, of course, Misaki kisses Touya. Because I guess a different girl has to kiss Touya every episode now.

Now we reach the point in my notes where I have written "Touya's dad is dead. I hate Touya." That basically sums it up. Touya's dad dies, thinking about Yuki, although I'm not quite sure what was going on there. Touya of course, does not act like he's upset at all, he actually makes a pretty rude comment which I don't remember, but I know Akira told him off for it (yay Akira!). But then suddenly, when he's with Misaki he's crying and asking her "Just one time, just for today, I'd like you to fall in love with me." WHAT THE....? They persumably sleep together with the fun and creepy line #2 of the episode "Farwell, Misaki-San." I mean come on, that's just weird.

At one point we see a flash of this lady. Who is she?????

At one point we see a flash of this lady. Who is she?????

It's Haruka's birthday, and apparently Akira and Haruka are going out on a date. This was totally left field for me, but I am happy Akira finally caught a break. Want to know what Touya has to say about what should be at least a semi-suprising revelation? "I didn't know he could ride a bike."

Now we have a covesation with Rina and Mana's mom, that crazy lady who's name I don't remember. We get a look into Rina's past, where we learn her mom died at a young age, and also into Mana's past, who apparently used to be childhood friends with Yuki. Also, Menou is her daughter, which I feel like should be suprising but isn't because they are both crazy.

The episode ends with....Akira getting in a car wreck! If he dies, I will lose all hope in this show.

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