
Greetings and welcome to SARs, Shojoworld's Anime Reviews. I'm a big fan of acronyms, and this one is really fun because if you google it there was an illness called "Severe Acute Respirtatory Syndrome." The singular version has some fun ones two, like "Specific Absobtion Rate" are just a few things that come up. I won't ruin them all for you.

Anyway, my name's Meroko and I run a site dedicated to shojo. This little blog is where I like to rant about whatever I'm watching, wheter this actually helps you pick something to watch?

That'd be a nice bonus.

Feedback? Comment or email I'll reply, because I don't have a life.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Anime Central

It's been awhile hasn't it? Well no matter, I'm back to talk about the con me and the rest of the ShojoWorld team went to, Anime Central

This was our second convention, the first being Anime Crossroads I talked about awhile back. So we were a little more prepared, but this convention was much much much bigger. It was like going from Little League to...whatever the big baseball games are called. Sports analogies don't work for me. The amouts of people were like swarms of locusts, they were eveywhere. Some costumes were amazing, some completely out there, and some that were well...a little disturbing. Less is more does not work in this case people. I personally dressed up as Harui from Ouran, not the main outfit, but actually one she used when sneaking into the middle school. A bit obsuce, so it was AWESOME when someone reconized  me!

Ouran High School Host Club: This was the first panel we went to, on Saturday (Friday night Itsuma had her highschool graduation! Can you believe it, she's all grown up! *tear* Important to note I am two years younger. This paranthese is getting a bit on the long side.). It was cute, people were dressed up as Ouran characters and did a Q and A with everyone, along with a few games and a little theatrics. The main issue I had were the seats: they weren't raised and I couldn't really see even though by actual row it was a decent spot. Some girl's pickahu ear things blocked me almsot the whole time. I think cons in general should look into raised seating. I know it's alot to ask for, but I think it would make loads of people happy in any panel. And who doesn't want to make the ravaging fans happy? I mean otherwise...*shifty eyes*

Gaia panels, part 1 and 2: I consider these probably my favorite part of the con. A rep from Gaia Online was there, gave out some free stuff, had some contests and raffles (Random Awesomeness!), took some feedback, and told us about some new updates coming to the site. The line was super long, but well worth it. It pumped me up to play again, since I haven't in a long time. MerokoTheNeko- look me up. Seriously though, do it.

Artists Alley: It was really cool to see Mooglegurl again, who has the most adorable stuff. Me and the team orginally met her at Anime Crossroads, went on to do a interview with her, then lost said interview (my comptuer screwed it up...grrrr). And she remembered us!  Which is always a good feeling. I really hope Itsuma sets up shop at one of these one day.  Then I'll really feel "hooked", "in the know" and so forth and whatnot.

Dealers room: The dealer's room here was bigger and better then the one we had seen before, it seemed like there was stuff everywhere (the locusts comparison would just feel weird heird). A few things I got include a couple hair accesories (I wear a headband every day), some earings (of which I've already lost one), and an adorable neko shirt. Not much to review or say here, although it would be interesting to see more Japanese anime magazines? Maybe there were there, I don't know...really I'd just love even more options. More I tell you, more!

What I learned:
  • Don't wear heels. No matter how much you think you can handle it, YOU CANT. Sorry to crush your height-related dreams, but it is not. a. good. idea.
  • Get in lines super early. For panels as big as the gaia one, it's a good idea to show up close to an hour early for a good seat.
  • Try to get as much sleep as you can before you come. Because you WILL be tired, there is ALOT of walking and waiting and standing and excitement!
  • Don't lose your registration badge. And in case you didn't know, always pre-register. The lines are crazy.

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