
Greetings and welcome to SARs, Shojoworld's Anime Reviews. I'm a big fan of acronyms, and this one is really fun because if you google it there was an illness called "Severe Acute Respirtatory Syndrome." The singular version has some fun ones two, like "Specific Absobtion Rate" are just a few things that come up. I won't ruin them all for you.

Anyway, my name's Meroko and I run a site dedicated to shojo. This little blog is where I like to rant about whatever I'm watching, wheter this actually helps you pick something to watch?

That'd be a nice bonus.

Feedback? Comment or email I'll reply, because I don't have a life.

Monday, July 5, 2010

July Preview one: Mitsudomoe

I know, I know, I once agan dissappeared off the face of the Earth. But I am back with some previews, one episode reviews, of some new summer series.

To start off I picked Mitsudomoe. I didn't know a lot about this series going in, and to be honest I wish I had spent a little time looking into it before I had. The series focuses around three sisters, Mitsuba, Hitoha, and Futaba, and thier new teacher at primary school. The title became more clear to me when I looked it up, the term has something to do with a "threefold division", which of course alludes to the triplets.

Just to get this out of the way...I hated this show. Or maybe I didn't hate it, but I disliked it strongly. And that does not happen alot, actually it's pretty rare (probably because I can be pretty strict on what I choose to watch). So if you liked this show and don't want to be upset I don't suggest reading on. This is my opinon, you are free to yours but this is mine.

First off, I didn't like the animation. It was just...odd at times and it wasn't my taste. But that is the least of my probems with this series.

An example of an animation moment that just didn't really click with me. I understand why they did it, I was just kind of like WHAT?

The episode had three different mini-stories, persumably the manga had the same kind of set-up. In the first one, we are just getting introduced to everyone. Within, I don't know, maybe five minutes we have one of the girls, remember this is primary school age, face down on the ground with a small pool of blood around her, with the teacher soon to follow. And this is supposed to be funny?

One of the girls is extremely perveted, honestly all three of them are kind of perverted. When I was that age,I did not know anything about the kind of stuff they were talking about and I found it kind of disgusting. The second mini-story was all about how they were trying to injure thier teacher's crotch in order to somehow set him up with the school nurse. This guy is really a failure as a teacher, he says the word "hell" in front of his students at least three times in this episode, which I personally think is not good form. The obvious set-up between him and the nurse feels cliched and I won't even go near that.

A disturbing image straight out of one of the little girl's mind.

In the third and final part of the episode, the teacher buys all the students a hamster, which they end up naming "Nipples." This leads to a rather revolting conversation that the nurse overhears. The children are all talking about the hamster, but from someone who didn't know what was going on, it could sound like they were talking about actual nipples. I could tell where they were going with it, but I didn't appreciate it at all.

I'm sorry hampster, that you must live with such a name.

I understand now that it a shonen series, and because of that I'm not going to give it as low a review as I'd like to, because maybe SOMEONE out there appreciates this kind of humor. Shonen however does have to be digusting all the time to be funny, for example School Rumble. Yes that stuff is bound to come up, but this just.... I did not like it at all and will not be watching again.

Rating: 2.5/10.

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