
Greetings and welcome to SARs, Shojoworld's Anime Reviews. I'm a big fan of acronyms, and this one is really fun because if you google it there was an illness called "Severe Acute Respirtatory Syndrome." The singular version has some fun ones two, like "Specific Absobtion Rate" are just a few things that come up. I won't ruin them all for you.

Anyway, my name's Meroko and I run a site dedicated to shojo. This little blog is where I like to rant about whatever I'm watching, wheter this actually helps you pick something to watch?

That'd be a nice bonus.

Feedback? Comment or email I'll reply, because I don't have a life.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Review #3- Kanon episode 2

Kanon episode 2

Hello again, and sorry it took so long to post! In the neat future I would like to be able to set up some sort of scedule of when I will be posting. I want to keep it to 3 series at once, to make sure I actually complete them, so that means I'll be adding one more soon....I want the third series to be something pretty new, that just finished up or is still releasing. So I'll be looking!

So onto to Kanon episode 2.
We open up with a dream sequence again. Very short.

I am abosultely OBSESSED with that pink kitty clock. It's adorable, and now it talks? If only it could be mine. Speaking of alarms, ALL Of those didnt wake Nayuki up? And I was happy to see more cat ones, cute indeed.

Ha, love the way the music changed as he took a bit into the bread with the jam on it...
and all of Nayuki's mom's dialouge made it that much more creepy.

I wonder what made Yuuchi lose his memory? It seems to be integral to the plot, considering how much it's mentioned.

OW! In collision #2 of the series, we see Nayuki ram into two girls at the bottem of the stais. And apparently they are third years? Interesting they use ribbions to show year. I wonder all the different ways there are to do so in Japan?

Wow, way to get lost Yuuchi. :D Was that guy naked they were painting in that room? It is a very impressive looking school. Also when Misaka ran into him in the hallway the translation I was watching said "What are you narrating for?" this correct? I found it rather odd, in context I would have guessed she said something along the lines of "what are you looking for?"

Collision #3 in the series- prehaps not extreme as our first two , with Ayu knocking into Yuuichi, bouncing off him and falling down.

"You had the same name and you were weird" Loved that line. OWWW Collision #4: Yuuichi cruelly lets Ayu crash right into a tree. At this moment it's important to note he has remembered something? What exactly was this promise?

I have a feeling we'll be seeing the girl they got snow on was interesting during that reaction to see that Ayu is the same grade as Yuuchi? I have to admit I was thinking along the same lines he probaby was, about her being younger.

The pinky promise thing was cute.

Okay the girl in the curtain thing who randomly jumped out on him? Yeah kind of freaked me out a bit. But I do remember seeing her in pictures, so I'm not too suprised I suppose. Her attempts at hitting: EPIC FAIl. Sorry! XD What was up with the old lady watching? And then she faints....and my episode cuts off??? Why???? I mean come on it was almost done!
Oh wait I guess that was the I learned when finding the part on Youtube.

And then I happened to run across the dub. I didn't really like what I heard...but I'll wait to speak more on that until I do the official dub review.

I decided that the earlier episode it's almost impossible to judge the things I was orginally rating with, such as plot development, so for now I'll just stick with over-all ratings until I think of something better.

Going to stick with an 8/10 here...yeah yeah I know so far that's been all I've done. But I promise the ratings will vary!!!

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