
Greetings and welcome to SARs, Shojoworld's Anime Reviews. I'm a big fan of acronyms, and this one is really fun because if you google it there was an illness called "Severe Acute Respirtatory Syndrome." The singular version has some fun ones two, like "Specific Absobtion Rate" are just a few things that come up. I won't ruin them all for you.

Anyway, my name's Meroko and I run a site dedicated to shojo. This little blog is where I like to rant about whatever I'm watching, wheter this actually helps you pick something to watch?

That'd be a nice bonus.

Feedback? Comment or email I'll reply, because I don't have a life.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Anime Crossroads

Orginally I wasn't going to use this blog anymore, because of my podcast, Sho-Rant. But I decided it's a different kind of meduim, and I can cover different topics then I do on the show. So I guess I'm going to keep it up! I'm sure you are all overjoyed to hear from me again.

On Friday I attended my very first anime convention, Anime Crossroads in Indiana. It simply worked out that I could get there...and I was very happy that I could. :D

When me and my friends (whose online names are...) Itsuma and Kika, walked in, it was kind of...awakard. We had never been to a con before and we didn't know what to expect. Most of the people around us, despite this being the first time for this specific con, were all dressed in costumes, and just had a general air of knowing what they were doing. I was shameless plugging myself the whole time, dressed in a shojoworld shirt. Being a walking billboard was fun, but I think I'll come in a costume next time. Not that I won't be advertising somehow...*shifty eyes*

But at opening ceremony, I started to feel more at home immediately. They played a video to a song I knew (but whose name I don't remember), and there were clips from lots of different anime close to my heart, such as Clannad, Ouran, DN Angel...and everyone was so excited about it! People would cheer whenever they saw whatever, and it was nice to be around other anime fans, because honestly I'm usually not. I go to a private school, and while there are a few fans here and there, most of the people, I was sad to discover, had NO idea what it was. What is wrong with them, the doctors will never know.

The hosts were funny too. They made lots of jokes about Vic Mignogna taking his shirt off? He finally did, not all the way though, and had drawn a six pack on. Seems he's a pretty popular guy. Wish I could have gone to his panel, sounds like it would have been alot of fun!
I began to wish we had made more time for this thing. All the big panels seemed to be on Saturday, or even later in the day. But unfotunately we had not seen the scedule ahead of time, so we only had a few hours to spend.

I did however get to go to one pretty interesting panel with Brina Palencia, who was in School Rumble. I asked her what her favorite episode was, in which she gave me a pretty decent lengthy answer. She seemed open to answering questions, and had a good sense of humor.

Me and my friend's favorite part was easily the dealer's room however. I had already spent some money out front (I am an impulsive buyer, its a problem), and none of us has brought that much...we made a vow to bring ALOT more next time. There was just so much stuff you don't see normally! And since this a new con, it's mind-boggling to think how much bigger it might be at another con. *gets lost in daydream*

I bought this cat ear hat thing (which I am wearing as I write this), and Kika obsessed over some cat ears her and Itsuma bought. NYAs all around.

So all in all, a good way to sum up my experience would be as Itsuma called it, a "practice con." I really understand them more, and am excited to go to another one in the near future. I

1 comment:

  1. Fellow Anime Fan
    I loved ACR since it was very close and since this was the first one in indiana which made me happy that I went. but I went to ACEN 09 (Anime Central 2009) in Chicago IL which was my first anime con I am planing to goto ACEN 2010.
    SO Congrats on your first con and I hope you will enjoy more anime cons in the future

    Fellow Anime Fan

