
Greetings and welcome to SARs, Shojoworld's Anime Reviews. I'm a big fan of acronyms, and this one is really fun because if you google it there was an illness called "Severe Acute Respirtatory Syndrome." The singular version has some fun ones two, like "Specific Absobtion Rate" are just a few things that come up. I won't ruin them all for you.

Anyway, my name's Meroko and I run a site dedicated to shojo. This little blog is where I like to rant about whatever I'm watching, wheter this actually helps you pick something to watch?

That'd be a nice bonus.

Feedback? Comment or email I'll reply, because I don't have a life.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

White Album, Season 1

In an attempt to mix things up around here at SAR (which, when I googled the intials came up as Specific absorption rate on Wikipedia, and also a Jewish school in New York), which is the new shorthand for this blog, I decided to cover a whole season (I also watched the season pretty fast, by my standards), just to see how it works.

Here's a little summary of the series: Touya (in college) has been dating Yuki since high school. She loves singing, and now as she grows more as an "idol", releasing a single, having a concert, etc., she never seems to have any time to spend with Touya. It's a harem, so we say Touya chased by other girls, but Yuki is always number 1.

(main girl Yuki.)

Very first thought that comes to mind...Touya is a moron. In fact such a moron, that if he wasn't fictional, I would probably have to slap him. Yayoi, Yuki's so called "manager", always saying she's trying to "remove obstacles" from Yuki...not the right person to cheat with (whcih he shouldn't have done at all). If he was going to, at least do it with one of your other choices who actually CARES about you! I mean come on, this is a harem, you have options! Maybe it would have felt more like cheating if it WAS someone who he shared feeling for?

Yayoi in general confues me. What is her motive in all this? Just wanting a good time? It doesn't seem like she would have a reason to have a grudge against Yuki. The entire time I just wanted to reach through the screen and kill her. There was nothing reedeming about her at all.

Speaking of options, the girl I liked the most was by far Rina. Yuki, I do like her and Touya together, but it seems Rina has more time to spend with him then her? I mean of course, one could say that is because of Rina being pushed out of the spotlight a bit, or the fact Yuki wanted to be "better" for Touya or whatever. The other thing that weirded me out was Yuki didn't even kiss Touya any of the times they saw each other, other then when he came up to her room. I was very much like...huh? If you can barely see each other, wouldn't you want to do it? Wasn't it phyical needs Touya basically said he used Yayoi for anyway in that speech about how she cant be "Yuki's replacement."

(the evil Yayoi)

Anyway, back to Rina. I'm not sure what exactly it was about her, but she just stood out to me. Misaki was fine...but I wanted her to be with Akira, who really deserved a break after 5 years, don't you agree? Then Haruka, well honestly I don't even feel like we saw that much of her, but maybe that'ss just me? Misaki had the whole persumabe "arc" from the game, in which had an eneding feel, but maybe Haruka will get this in next season. Then Mana...I know she likes him, but I don't think Touya sees her as an option, and I'm glad. That would


To finish things off, the way White Album was executed was wonderful as well. The music was pretty, the art was definately nice, and although at first Touya's written thoughts were anoying, it grew on me (as long as I could find subs who did they horizontal, it was really difficult to read quickly when vertical and small), and the episode titles were interesting. The whole 1986 setting really made things alot more difficult for our main couple. Cell phones would have fixed (almost)everything!

There's a lot more I could say on the series, but as to not go on to much I will stop for now, and more can come up when I cover the second season (which I will do episode-by-episode). Overall...

solid 9/10. Loved it, except for that Touya doesn't really deserve any of his choices right now! He did seem to feel remorse, so we'll see, but from what I'm read he's still a moron.

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