So I was orginally going to talk to continue talking about this series in three episode blocks, but sooo much happened in these two episodes I decided to talk about them on thier own otherwise it might just fry my brain.
Episode 4 starts off, and as I haven't watched this show in several months I'm trying to remember what is actually going on.
This is NOT a show you can just start and stop, it's much better watched all at once, because I got lost a lot. Made me appreciate the "Previously on..." reviews from many American shows. Because right away we start off with a super intense scene. Yuki is running after Rina in the rain, crying and begging her to reconsider her decision of changing record companies, which is the focus of these two epsodes. Rina, in her never ending awesomeness, tells Yuki not to blame herself.

At some point in episode 4 there was some weird sub plot about a painting, but I don't remember what this has to do with and mostly tuned it out. One thing that's bothering me, is the lady who is the head of M and M records, was she the same lady we saw hitting those girls, who we now see in the recording studio? I really should have found summaries or something. She looked downright evil at one point her car, I have "Eyes of FEAR" written in my notes because both her and Yayoi had great close-ups of thier eyes. I could have tkaen a screenshot of this, but I'm too lazy to go back and find it now.
Also we have a scence with Haruka and Mana-chan basically talking about how much they're both in love with Touya, along with Misaki and that one guy's name who I can't remember (Akira?), but I know I'm happy that they are dating now. This is about the only time you get to see any of them throughout the length of these episodes, so enjoy them while you can.

Now for the really juicy stuff, episode 5. Touya continues to show his wonderful dedication to his girlfriiend by making out with two other girls in this episode, Yayoi again (if you want to count her as a girl)...and wait for it...RINA! I'll hold off for talking about that for a second. The interesting thing with the Yayoi kiss is that someone TOOK PICTURES. This got me really excited, because I'm not sure who would care what Touya does (besides all the girls who love him), but I sense some blackmail coming and that at least should be interestng. Touya seemed generally negative towards Yuki in this episode in general, which was nice because before he was still being all lovey with her while cheating. I think he's starting to maybe at least be honest with himself.
So now to the Rina and Touya kiss. Touya was orginally avoiding Rina because of thier fight, which I know had something to do with Yuki, but he comes to see her now and check how she's doing. At first Rina just kind of shakes him off. "I'm Rina Ogata. You really think I'd cry?" I loved that line. They have a bit og a moment, but it doesn't really go anywhere. Touya turns around to walk away, but then stops and is about to ask her something when Rina bursts out in tears and asks Touya to kiss her, and BAM!
Usually I like to rant about Touyas infidelities, but this is Rina we're talking about so I'm going to let it slide.
So if that moment isn't enough to get your blood racing, we cut to Yuki walking up to Rina's room as well. This two episodes have been strung with little comments from both Yayoi and Rina about the letter, but Yuki of course remains completely trusting, dedicated, etc., especially with Touya's father when she says she'd "be ready to fall in love with him all over again" if Touya were to love her.
While she deosn't see the kiss, she does see Touya leaving and the look on her face makes me hope she might finally start trusting everyone a little less.
I still love love this show, I forgot how excited it makes me and will hopefully have some more reviews for you soon because I just HAVE to know what happens. I'm thinking i'll get rid of the ratings system though, I never knew what to do with it really, at least on an episode by episode basis. Maybe at the end of a series I'll find a more creative way to do it.